Do you offer any other services?

Currently, we regret to inform you that we do not provide any additional services beyond those advertised. However, we constantly strive to enhance our services to better serve our customers. Please keep an eye out for any updates in the future. 

Is your service available for all companies?

Our services are most suitable for companies that specialise in specific services, such as accounting, website design, and IT. However, we welcome any business that believes our skills can be useful to them to reach out to us.

Why do you recommend companies offering a free review?

As consumers, we all want to make the best purchase decisions possible. Reviews are valuable tools for achieving this goal. By providing free reviews of businesses, potential customers can gain insight into the quality of a product before deciding to use a particular company. This information is especially helpful when trying to determine which option offers the best value for their money, a top concern for consumers in today's market.

Are your prices negotiable?

I am sorry, but we do not offer that option. However, we encourage businesses to reach out to us and discuss their unique requirements, and we will try to accommodate them as best we can.

What is a catch-up call?

From my experience working in customer service and sales, I've heard numerous business owners express their desire for more frequent communication from the companies they work with. To address this, scheduling catch-up calls every three or six months can help businesses feel appreciated and heard while also allowing for prompt resolution of any issues that may arise. Ultimately, this can lead to a stronger, more positive relationship between companies.

What are the contract lengths you offer?

Our services cater to companies with different needs by offering contract lengths of one, three, and six months. This flexibility allows them to select the duration that best suits their requirements.

Could you please explain the steps to be taken after purchasing your service?

We are committed to providing you with exceptional service. To better understand your business needs and preferences, we will personally reach out to you to gather information about your preferred customers and availability for appointments. To help your business stand out, we kindly request any marketing material you may have that can effectively promote your business and differentiate it from competitors. We aim to collect detailed data on your selected customers and market your business efficiently through targeted emails and direct calls. Once we have secured a meeting, we will promptly provide you with all the necessary details to ensure a seamless and successful experience. Rest assured, our team is fully equipped to handle all your business needs and exceed your expectations.

When you make calls, do you utilise any scripts?

In our experience, it's best not to use a script when communicating with business customers. Most of them can tell when someone reads from a script, which can be a significant turnoff. Instead, it's better to have a more casual conversation that can be tailored to each customer. However, if you have a script that has worked well in the past, we are happy to use it at your request. But we generally recommend avoiding scripts altogether.

Could you assist us in creating and designing a marketing email?

We can certainly help you create effective initial and follow-up emails to continue the conversation. While we suggest using marketing calls as they are the most cost-effective and efficient way to secure appointments, we understand that there may be situations where emails are needed to move forward.

Do you have any other questions?

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We are always happy to assist you.